Sunday, 22 March 2015

9 Functional foods for the Body

Functional foods, are “Foods or dietary components that may provide a health benefit beyond basic nutrition. In other words, these foods provide more than just vitamins and minerals; they Contain compounds that have beneficial actions in the body and can reduce the risk of chronic disease. These are foods that you want to include more of in your daily diet.

Below are some examples of functional foods and their associated health benefits.
(1)  APPLES-: Apples provide both soluble and insoluble fibre (one medium apple with skin provides about 3g of fibre). Apple skins are a major food source of type of flavonoid Called quercetin, which is a potent antioxidant that helps protect against heart disease and cancer. These flavonoids, along with vitamin C, give apples immune- bolstering Properties. Phenolic compounds found in apple skins provide protection against many chronic diseases and have recently been found to provide UVB sun protection. So there is a lot of truth to the saying, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Fuji Apples have the highest concentration of phenolic and flavonoid compounds, but Red Delicious apples are also quite high.

(2)    BERRIES-: Berries, cherries, and red grapes contain plant pigments called anthocyanidins, which give these fruits their radiant red and purple colour. Anthocyanidins have antioxidant properties, preventing free radical damage and reducing the risk of chronic disease. These compounds are also important for proper brain and blood vessel function.

(3)  BROCCOLI-: Broccoli contains sulphoraphane and indole-3 carbinol, antioxidant that neutralize free radicals, enhance detoxification, and may reduce the risk of cancer. These Compounds are found in other cruciferous vegetables, such as kale, cauliflower, and Cabbage. Try to have a serving of these foods every day.

(4)  CARROTS-: Carrots are an excellent source of many antioxidant compounds, particularly Beta-carotene, which is part of the carotenoids. Carotenoids help protect against Cardiovascular disease, cancer, macular degeneration, and cataracts, and they also promote good night vision. New research is looking at the effects of another phytonutrient in carrots, called falcarinol, and its ability to reduce the risk of colon cancer. To get the maximum amount of nutrients from carrots, eat them raw or lightly steamed.

(5)  CHOCOLATE-: Chocolate and cocoa provide various flavonoids that provide antioxidant benefits for the heart and other organs. Dark chocolate contains more antioxidants and less fat than milk chocolate. Look for products that contain 70percent or more cocoa.

(6)  CITRUS FRUITS-: Citrus fruits contain flavanones (a type of flavonoid), antioxidants that reduce free radicals, prevent cellular damage, and boost defences against viral infections Oranges, grapefruit, lemons, and limes offer a wide range of nutrients (vitamin C,folate, and fibre).

(7)  COLLARDS-: Collard greens and kale contain plant pigments called lutein and zeaxanthin, which are important for eye health and can reduce the risk of macular degeneration (age related blindness). Supplements of lutein have been shown to improve vision in those with macular degeneration and prevent disease progression. One to two servings of kale or collard greens per week provide the recommended amount of lutein and zeaxanthin. Other food sources include spinach, broccoli, and leeks, but they contain a lesser amount.

(8)  CRANBERRIES-: Cranberries contain proanthocyanidins, which have been shown to reduce the risk of urinary tract infections. Preliminary research also shows that these help lower cholesterol, improve gum health, prevent ulcers, and prevent brain damage after a stroke. The bladder benefits are seen with one to two glasses of juice daily. Look for pure cranberry juice or low-sugar juice cocktail.

(9)  FISH AND FISH OIL-: Fish and fish oils contain omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA), which have been found to reduce risk of coronary heart disease. Specifically, they reduce triglycerides, increase HDL (good cholesterol), reduce inflammation, prevent clotting, and reduce blood pressure. They are also known to be beneficial for vision and brain health. Choose wild (not farmed) fish.

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